9 Low Maintenance Activities With Your Active Toddler

I struggle so much with having a ton of energy everyday. It takes such a mental toll on me to keep a tiny human alive – to make sure he’s safe, healthy (thus hydrated and eating nutritious foods), being excited about simple things like brushing his teeth and showering. Sometimes I get so mentally exhausted that I just shut down and go on autopilot. Obviously its not ideal especially with a toddler who seeks attention. Especially in these trying times when we don’t get to soak up enough sunlight and are staying indoors – my son gets so antsy and he doesn’t understand what’s going on and why. I’m also getting so depressed staying indoors – even if I know we’re incredibly privileged. These are the things that get me through the day when you just have push on or rather, mom on!

1. Drawing boards. We only have one and it has really been through a lot! It’s been stepped on and abused every single day! But I love this thing – we got it for so cheap at a toy store (350 pesos!). This is how I taught my son so many things like his ABC’s, shapes, and numbers (we started with 1 – 10 and now we’re up to 20!). It’s literally so easy – I just scribble something and quiz him. It doesn’t take energy at all to sit in the couch and just draw with him for an hour or so. I guess it’s also very enjoyable and fulfilling to see how much your kid learns and absorbs. 

2. Paying attention. When my toddler suddenly recites (he doesn’t sing) the ABCs or shapes, I follow along with him. Sometimes while playing he would just randomly blurt out his ABC’s and I sing to him. 

3. Let him spend time scrolling through picture books. You both get your quiet time and he’s just so cute sitting in a reading nook skimming through pages! He’s also learning on his own, pointing to things and reciting! 

4. Lessen the stimulation. As much as possible. When my son is busy playing independently, I don’t put other music on or TV. I just let him do his thing. When he gets cranky or bored, thats when I put some music on try to play with him and worst case scenario, yes, we turn on the TV – don’t bash me. I find that when I do this he stays more with each task and concentrates more instead of distracting him with all these stimulations. 

5. Let him watch you do chores. They get such a knack from it and he ends up playing the broom and dustpan for a hot minute. They also get to observe and learn these real life skills. He learns everyday that chores are a habit and are necessary – ofcourse you would want them to learn these as he grows older! And if your child is old enough for certain chores, you’ll get a knack out of it too! 

6. When my son gets extra cranky, I strap him in the stroller and we take a walk. It gives him a certain peace right away. It calms me down too – taking a quiet walk, getting fresh air and we get to enjoy the afternoon staring at the sky, trees, and the sound of the birds. There’s just something so calming about it. 

7. Take advantage of cuddle time. When my son wants to cuddle which is very rare I really try to breathe in the moment and hug him while we cozy up in the couch to his favorite shows.

8. After a looong day, you can put your child to bed earlier than his bedtime – about 30 minutes or more – and take the time to hug and kiss goodnight. Say a prayer with him and always always say you love them. This is one of those precious moments that you would really appreciate your little one and enjoy downtime with them. I used to be so on the dot with having my son in bed at exactly his bedtime. I didn’t want him to go in any earlier so he wouldn’t wake up so early – but either way he sleeps at his exact bedtime and wakes up early anyway so I just did this practice instead. 

9. Lastly, play music and sing to the songs. I also like playing some Mozart to help us relax and calm our moods. This will also elevate your mood and maybe now you’re up for some more fun activities!

Integrating these activities throughout your day can give you some short intermissions in between “active” activities so you can take a break and catch your breath. People nowadays keep posting how bored they are – I cannot relate am I’m honestly really jealous. Consider yourself lucky being safe at home, and “bored” because most of us don’t have the luxury. We all know momming can be so tiring especially with a toddler but these activities are interactive and your child won’t even notice that they’re low maintenance!
