
I have always dreamed of becoming a mom. But even in the first few weeks of pregnancy, it wasn’t as good as I thought it would be. I was excited – thrilled in fact, but it wasn’t a trip to Disneyland. I know it’s different for every woman, for every mom but as I read through blogs and research it seems to be aligned with what everyone was going through. The morning sickness rather all day sickness and puking, the all- day dizziness that I didn’t know how to handle and many other hormonal imbalances too hard to count. I had so much cravings that if I didn’t give it to them my eyes would well up in so much yearning! And I had no idea how childish I would be and feel! But through all that, it’s very exciting to feel his first kicks and find out the sex and everything. I guess there are a lot of moms out there giving advice and I would love to give it a go for all of you out there. This is a more practical way to go through pregnancy and these info are based from first hand experience and tons and tons of research! (I am a research addict, yes)

The first thing I had to deal with during my first months was the growth of my belly. It became heavier (obviously) and it was such a great help to wear underwear that went way up to under your boobs haha! They helped for me not to have a hard time with my heavy growing belly. I would recommend Marks and Spencer! It’s kind of pricey than the regular but it was such a great relief especially for my lower back.

Another thing, if you are planning to breast feed, instead of buying those hideous nursing bras, i would recommend just buying front opener bras. They’re more practical since you can use them even way after nursing your baby. They’re cuter and maybe even sexier, especially for daddy (if ya know what I mean!). We shouldn’t forget to feel great and sexy for ourselves and for our husband as well. Moms, let’s stay MILFs for our husbands, alright? It’s good for the marriage!

And in connection to that, breast feed! Please! That’s what they’re made for, honey. They are sooo so healthy for your baby and it will save you a ton of cash! And I mean breast feed mainly, no to formula. It makes your baby prefer it since it’s sweeter and it will take your baby’s taste profile to the sweet side. And formula is really really pricey! Besides, there are many ways to increase breast milk but that’s a whole other blog. 😉 Breast feed for as long as you can even until 2 years old or even 5 years old, if possible! For as long as you can.

The life savers: online shopping. Always research on stuff you want for the baby online before purchasing in malls or stores. Compare them, and of course get the cheaper options. There are some tools for babies that are cheaper online. Note that you should read reviews and some online finds were suggestions by thrifty friends (thank you so much friends!)

And yes, that’s another one! From word of mouth. Always get advice from moms. Young moms, “Old” moms, all kinds of moms out there! Girl power. You will not believe all of the things you will learn from other moms out there. Practical things that you could actually use.

Convertible baby things, double purpose things. I would suggest a stroller that grows with your baby and one that could be a car seat as well. This saves you a ton of money and it lessens the clutter in your home. It really sucks when after the baby grows you would have to get rid of a lot of stuff, so this is a great solution to that. There are kinds of strollers that can carry your baby up to 3 years old and it depends on how tall and heavy your baby will get but the maximum is until 5 years old.

In connection to that, portable things. You really need things that are mobile, especially if you like going out (and by the way, I recommend to take your baby out- but of course at the right month’s age of the baby). I have searched and found really witty portable baby things such as a portable changing mat that turns into this tiny purse. I have seen a portable carrier and believe it or not a portable car seat! It’s great for bigger or older babies – like what I did, I chose a stroller convertible to a car seat. So for an older baby, the portable car seat. And a plus is it’s cheap!

I have more to come, probably soon! Congratulations, mommies!

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Author: whatthefatishappening

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