Morning Mommy Pick-Me-Ups

As a mom we definitely need some fuel to get our engines going with hyper kids, too too early mornings, and from nights of sleep deprivation. So pick your ‘poison’, try these out and see what gets you up and running on the daily! Maybe you can even switch it up every once in a while too!

Protein shakes.

This is such a great fill! Also if you’re more of a cold drink kinda gal. It will keep you full for longer and you get all those goood nutrients and protein, duh. You can mix in your greens and never notice they’re even there! This is great especially if like me, you don’t really get to get your daily dose of veggies. You could also sprinkle some of Ava’s Kitchen‘s malunggay flakes into your shake, you wouldn’t even notice them there! For lactation or simply to amp up your health; moringa has such amazing health benefits. You could even share an ounce or two with your little one!

Tea. Black, green or anything in between!

This is a great way to detox but still get that caffeine craving in. You can add some milk too! You can also have it iced – I have been obsessed with this tamarind-flavored Tsaa from Luntilikha. I literally always look forward to my next cup and it’s so healthy, sweetened with coco sap sugar.



Oohh, good old coffee! It’s best just plain bold and black for a healthier option, it detoxifies and it’s zero calorie this way! If you’re not a fan, then sprinkle everything you want to it! Some cinnamon, sugar or stevia, etc. Is it warm out? Try a cold brew!

How about a french press? Its a more affordable option as compared to getting a coffee machine plus its a space saver too! If it’s on your daily, then a coffee machine might just be a great investment for you instead of your regular Starbucks on your credit card!

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A healthy but super yummy option is Luntilikha‘s Kape. Like all other products of theirs it’s also made with coco sap sugar. If you’re into sweetened and creamed coffee this is such a great and healthy choice!

Don’t like coffee? Hot cocoa!


Kakao only has 7 grams of coco sap sugar per sachet and also suitable for diabetics. Other sugars such as brown, white, muscovado, (or even demarara, turbinado, molasses, sucanat) sugars have a high glycemic index of 65 to 100 Gi per serving.

When I tried a cup of this, I couldn’t even believe it! It has such a luxurious and decadent cocoa taste. Definitely a must try! Have it hot or over ice! I also have this when I’m craving some chocolate or something sweet. That way, I can really savor it and have such a healthier alternative to a chocolate bar! I can just picture having a cup on a cold rainy morning.. Aah.. Perf.

But oh, I almost forgot the most important drink and one that you simply must drink before any of these: Water. It’s the best drink to wake up your organs. There are just so much benefits to drinking water before drinking or eating anything else in the morning. Drink a glass or even two if you can before any of the above! Trust me on this.

This blog is so graciously sponsored by Luntilikha. They have such amazing organic but delicious Coffee (Kape), Hot Cocoa (Kakao), and Tea (Tsaa)! Their products are for every kind of person and if you try it, I promise you’re never going back to your crappy powdered quote on quote iced tea, or sacheted instant coffee or hot cocoa! Take care of your health and switch over: support local and live healthy!

Check out their social media here. Give them a follow and get your cups filled with these goods! Yum.

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