How My Breast Pump Saved My Life 

Breastfeeding (exclusively) and pumping saved my sanity. I really believe this helped me prevent or get through postpartum depression. Being a stay at home mom and going through all these changes (especially in my situation) can very lonely. Being at home all day when everyone else has somehow “gotten over” the baby fever and I’m left alone with him. But all this fulfillment I had was through ofcourse caring for him and being able to feed him completely. Motherhood and breastfeeding had given me purpose like nothing ever had.

It helped me chill on the expenses. As a stay at home mom and being out of work and income for a while now and giving birth and having my baby, it can be quite stressful to think of providing. When I gave birth my husband was also out of work and diapers can be quite expensive so we just felt so blessed that we didn’t have to buy formula. It eased my mind that I am doing my part and being able to provide in that way.

It’s a cure for anxiety: they say releasing breastmilk releases endorphins. Benefits of endorphins is boosting positive feelings and self-esteem which is ofcourse important at this stage. It’s also been found to help you lose weight because it regulates your appetite and lessens your eagerness to stuff your face by alleviating depression. 

Relaxation and less stress. Whenever I breastfed my son I thought it forced me to be in one place seated for hours on end. But when I changed my mindset – it made me be in the moment in this fast paced world. I watch my son feed, I love him and enjoy him – I could rest and just be.

Then I could also be a total couch potato and catch up on Netflix and be on my phone and relax. Our babies are connected to us and I do believe that they stay attached to us to keep us calm and find rest with them. And with that I learned the balance.

My first breastpump was a gift to me and it was very affordable too. It was the best breastpump for that time in my life when I was just trying out pumping first and see how I like it. But well after that phase, I tried investing on my Spectra S1 which is one of the most famous and highly recommended hospital grade breastpumps. It was quite pricey but it is definitely worth the investment because of how efficient it is, it saves me so much time and pumps out in about half the time I used to pump before so I get more time to do other things. It’s also rechargeable and portable so it didn’t have me stuck on a wall plug!


This thing also took out all my clogged ducts and saved me from fever and chills! It also helped me to save a ton of milk since it draws out milk so well!

Building up my milk stash also gave me time away for date nights, rest, and it bought me time to heal when I got a bleb!

Time management and discipline. It helped me become more organized. Before being a mom or a breastfeeding mom at that, I used to get things done here and there at my own pace and in my own time. But now, each time I set my baby down for a nap or for bedtime I knew my clock was ticking so I literally had to schedule each chore and anything I wanted to get done. At first I thought I was paralyzed and that I would never get to a place where I can balance it all but I got used to it and I got better at managing my time. Now, I get to take care of the ones I love and do what I love both at the same time.

Responsibility. Aside from being a mom, you also need to provide and make milk (this takes a lot of energy too, believe me), also prepare and secure it (pumping, ‘making’ a whole bottle, and making sure it’s stored safely and correctly).

Faith and Spirituality: it strengthened my faith and dependence on God in his miracles and provision everyday- you never know when you might dry up and everyday is a blessing- its beautiful and refreshing. It was so beautiful to see how God made a woman with purpose and how I felt that this is what I am made to do. I can nurture and nourish my child because of my body and his blessing.

Along with that it helped me appreciate the female body. I used to think women are weak and its just biologically how we were created. But it was just realization upon realization on how much women can endure. We cannot deny the strength of a man but its just that women’s strength is of a different kind. It may not be as strong, but it endures, it perseveres. It helped me pride in myself on what my body can handle, how it restores and replenishes.

It brought out the researcher in me. it made me a herbal hippie freak who just rubs breastmilk on everything. I also read so much about its uses and its miracles in every drop.

It made me think healthier, take care of myself along with the baby because I knew what I ate and my whole well-being also affects my breastmilk production. This is is such a great benefit to me since it keeps me strong enough to endure the sleepless nights and also possibly lose the baby weight or even more.

It made me be one with community: with other moms, stay at home moms and pumping moms, etc. And mind you, that is so not me. But it made me really believe on that quote that no man is an island and mothers bear lots of responsibilities and honestly I would not have made it on my own without other moms on social media who are so nice! They honestly respond to comments on Instagram, Youtuber moms. There is this mom world and community that is so loving and accepting.

It made me want to mother every other child out there. I felt that there was so much love to give. I read about this journey of women in tribes who breastfeed each other’s babies as if they were their own hence the quote “It takes a village”. I felt that I was so blessed everyday and I wanted to share that with other people so I joined a Facebook group with moms with premature babies asking for some breastmilk donations. I just think that being able to exclusively breastfeed my son and pump on top of that is already astounding and its a blessing meant to be shared.

It revealed my commitment, dedication, love and passion that I never knew existed in me. I have never had such a strong belief and principle in something such as promoting breastfeeding, normalizing it, and spreading education about it which I continually do to this day after 18 months of breastfeeding. I post, blog and answer anyone’s questions about breastfeeding and anything I can do to help to spread knowledge to everyone. It needs to be everyone to normalize it and knowledge so they would understand why.

Girls, women, mothers and future mothers need the education that I never had before having my son. Men need to know in order to not take it maliciously and thus, normalize it. This is not to accept ‘nudity’ but accept it as a natural thing simply because it is. Boys, men and future fathers should also be educated so they would support their wives in their breastfeeding journey because it really is hard.

And for the public, for elders, people who choose not to have children and the like; even if it doesn’t affect your personal life, it’s still important to know about it so you would be more open to see it in public places. For elder men or women who never breastfed or maybe you are just more conservative – yes, I get that. But in my experience my son hated a breastfeeding cover and it was never my choice but my son’s. It’s also very hard to breastfeed in public while handling a child and maybe I can never actually truly explain that, but all I ask is empathy for mothers like me and know that its honestly never the intention to offend you or ‘flash‘ you. And besides, why would we?

11 Reasons to Have a Freezer Stash (of Breastmilk)

1. For when you get sick.

Ofcourse its best to really take care of yourself as a mom, as a breastfeeding mom (yes, I meant to put those on separately), and having just been pregnant and in your postpartum phase – we should all take care of ourselves. But unforeseen circumstances still occur and we may need to take antibiotics and I have heard tons of stories about this. Sometimes you wouldn’t able to breastfeed because the medicines are too strong. An ideal way to deal with this is to continue to pump (if you still want to continue to breastfeed once you get better) and dump or use it as a milk bath for your baby (or even for you, actually).

2. When you get your period.

Oftentimes our milk supply dips when we get our monthly visitor, so its just best to be prepared.

3. Growth spurts.

They drink more milk during growth spurts and if you want to go along your business like chores, or your prepared bottles while you’re away at work might not be enough. So it’s best to have some extra milk in the fridge or freezer so you wouldn’t be too worried that he’s hungry and the babysitter can tap into the stash.

4. When you have to go away.

For work or just for you, in general. Just a breather a short vacation or even just a day trip, maybe a second honeymoon with the husband.

5. Date night!

You are parents now but you are still a couple and don’t lose touch or sight on that.

6. When you have to step out and do some errands and need your hands free.

And lets face it we just get more things done when were alone.

7. For baby’s bonding time with dad.

8. For baby’s bonding time with others, grandparents, godparents, etc

9. On special occassions.

On a wedding when your gown isn’t breastfeeding friendly, or even when you just want to get dressed or wear a dress or something that isnt breastfeeding friendly for a change. Nothing’s wrong with getting in touch with your old self.

10. When going back to work from maternity leave.

They say you would only need enough milk for a day or the time that you are away. But when you’re back to work, you would never have the time like you have on your leave to build your stash. So why not? But you don’t have to stress over having that stash, but a couple of bottles wouldn’t be so bad to have as a back up, right?

11. For providing breastmilk longer than what you would like.

If and when you’re already planning to stop breastfeeding, it’s nice to still have a stash so you can still give your little one breastmilk even when you have weaned off the boob! Free milk? Who can say no to that? And extended ‘breastfeeding’ has tons of benefits too – even if it is from the bottle – it’s the best thing for your little babe.


  • If you have a small freezer,to optimize your space, it’s best to use breastmilk bags. And use one that is trusty and sturdy! You wouldn’t want a bag breaking on you – first of all, it would be a hot mess and second of all, it would really make you tear up! I know it’s happened to me once or twice and it was horrible! Pumping a full bag of milk is a lot of work that is why I suggest using Orange and Peach‘s breastmilk bags. They have a couple of bags with different measurements for when your baby is younger or just simply eats less. It’s nice to have an exact amount of what baby eats in a bag so you wouldn’t waste any milk!
  • Be prepared with contact numbers of dry ice deliveries in your area in case of power outtages. Its always best to have a back up plan when storing such precious liquid gold!

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